okay, so let me get this out there. i understand that financial reasons are a burden, but the amount the #earpers have fought, dedicated so much of their time, and persevered through this makes us deserve more cooperation from the networks responsible for bringing #wynonnaearp
back to us. this snippet mentions that the ratings were “low”, but last time i checked, season 4 eps broke barriers in the entertainment industry and our show got recognition from the @nytimes , @latimes , and many more prestigious and well known article/newspaper companies
and “fifth and final season”? that’s really frustrating to so many of us. once again, we all understand that we would be lucky enough to get a fifth season because SYFY renewed it when they bought season 4. then again, the #earper fandom has fought and worked diligently
more than any other fandom out there, and yet this show doesn’t get enough credit. i can guarantee you, we deserve as much as we fought for, and we fought A LOT

please help reach @IDWEntertain and @SYFY so we can bring this to their attention. thank you all
here is the tik tok i got the snippet from
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