now im not going to pretend like i've ever been affected by someone calling me the r-slur. but seeing my friends, my own family, being berated just because their brain wasn't the same as most people really hurts.
in primary school, my school had one of the biggest and best support units in my area. which mean we had quite a lot of people with learning disabilities. and i was friends with a lot of people there. ad seeing them be bullied and not being able to stand up for themselves because
they quite literally weren't able to communicate that? and seeing someone use that horrible word against them. it hurts. to see someone, a role model. just use that word so willy nilly, because you are trying to "find a word that does the same". you know that word causes people
pain. why continue being so fucking ignorant. you have clearly been told time and time again that it hurts people, please just shut up and listen
sorry for this thread im just angry right now. my cousin has autism, and he hasnt been going to school lately. can you guess why? i was looking after him last week, he just hides in his room, he's completely shut off
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