I've said it many times before but: being a Muslim and having religious views that lead you to view same-gender sexual acts as haraam is one thing; regardless of how I might feel about that, it's something that is present in the vast majority of traditions of Islamic law. (1/7)
Sexual orientation, however, i.e. the condition of sexual attraction to members of the same gender, is not something that is dealt with in Islamic legal tradition (at least not in Ja'fari legal tradition), let alone something classed as sinful. Identities based around (2/7)
sexual orientation are not something that Islamic law recognizes as a legal matter, as the latter is concerned with acts (at least in the case of most legal issues, including this one). Even if you are a Muslim who firmly believes that same-gender sexual acts are haraam, (3/7)
nothing in the shari'a allows you to treat people you suspect of committing (let alone those you suspect of simply being inclined to commit) such acts with disrespect and intent to wound. The issue of legal disposition regarding such acts is one for a qadi operating in an (4/7)
Islamic government; it's not for you to take it upon yourself to be mean and hurtful to someone you suspect of breaching Islamic law in lieu of their being punished by a qadi.

As an aside to other Shi'a, you'd benefit from looking into the legal requirements for conviction (5/7)
of the particular "crime" in question here as laid out in narrations attributed to our imams (AS) and in fatawa from our mujtahids (HA): the requirements for demonstrative proof are extremely stringent, to the point that it would be near-impossible to convict someone if the (6/7)
legal system is operating according to correct Ja'fari shar'i principles.

The above was just an aside. The main takeaway from this thread should be that "I'm Muslim" is not a valid excuse for being mean and nasty to LGBTQ people, so stop disgracing us by acting like it is. (7/7)
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