It was once suggested that my love & interest for @BTS_twt was just a kind of midlife crisis, like when men suddenly start training for a marathon, or buy power tools.

At first I thought "What hogwash!" And then I thought "Well... Maybe it is... in a way..." This is why: (+)
When I was a teen, I was too busy worrying about what others thought of me to see who I really was.

In my 20s I was more focused on adapting to what others wanted, than to be strong for myself.

In my 30s I had no time to think about what I needed because, you know, life. (+)
Now, in my 40s (yes, kids) I'm at a point in life where I finally say "Yes! I need this! I want it. It gives me power!". Midlife crisis in this case isn't chasing lost youth or opportunity, it's the urgent realisation that it's long overdue.

This, right now, is my time.
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