Oh boy

Do I want to get into this? Do I? https://twitter.com/IAmMarkManson/status/1293192489399013377
We both know I do
Emotions are a system humans (and all social animals evolve) to bipass conscious thought.

The first emotion was fear.

It takes time to think "oh wow that has big teeth. Biiiiiiig teeth. I should get out of chomper range." Not a lot of time, but time.

Fear is instant.
We developed a whole array of emotions that are less physical survival and more social survival.

And those emotions do their job.

Shame acts as social fear. Anger motivates us to action. Fellowship/sense of belonging encourage prosocial behavior. Etc.
Emotion isn't a dog living in your head.

It's spiders. Web building spiders. And the lines of the webs connect memories and experiences and things you've read and heard.
Soopers don't care about your plans, or who you need to impress. They spin webs and eat bugs.
Soopers. Because that's s thing. 🙄

Ok so then, dog discipline

Remarkably does not related directly to maturity of the owner.
Dogs need

- clear hierarchy
- clear rules
- healthy food
- excercise
- mental stimulation

And then there are personality differences.
Real talk. If you own a Shiba or a poodle you know this. They don't give a single fuck.

If you own a lab you know this. They want you happy but goddamn they are riding the struggle bus tryna find out how.
Behavior issues can stem from almost anything. Dietary issues. Low excercise. Even you bring stressed at work can lead to the dog acting out.

Hell, maybe River ate a sock and now his tummy hurts.

It IS good advice not to get a dog if you can't self discipline. https://twitter.com/IAmMarkManson/status/1293192492771287047?s=20
That said, you cannot train your emotions, because you cannot train spiders.

Instead, you have to train YOU which is way harder.
You have to wake up each day, gather your spiders, and do life anyways.

And that means food, excercise, and rules - just like your dog needs - but also understanding that you are going to feel inconvenient feelings sometimes.
And it means looking at where your spiders are webbing and why

If you crave ice cream at breakfast, if your spiders are webbing up the shower, you need to ask yourself what bugs they're catching.
Get rid of those bugs and the spiders move on.

Figure out what it is about morning that makes you want to self medicate with sugar and dairy, and work on that.
Ok so now I'm going to digress and use examples from my life so you can skip if you want and consider that my last tweet.

Who here knows what a psosid is? Booklouse?
These creepy little mofos eat mildew.

Now, growing up near Seattle I am intimately familiar with mildew

Out here in CO people reuse bath towels and the kitchen sponge lasts for weeks and it freaks me out bc omg no.
Out there, where I'm from, if you spill a glass of water on the carpet, and you don't IMMEDIATELY wipe it up, vaccine the spot, blot it with another towel, and do some witchcraft, y'all got mildew.

Dry your hands too often and the handtowel mildews overnight.
And psosids eat mildew. Love it. Gobble that shit up.
So, when I'm like thirteen, fourteen, I get moved out of the baby room to share the basement room with my 18yo sister.

Spiders everywhere.

Every day, we would clean up the room (kept it spotless bc otherwise mom would tear it apart and snoop for drugs bc no other reason teens would be untidy but drugs).

We would cup-and-card dozens of spiders, and dump them out the window. Clear the webs.
And every morning we would wake up to more spiders.

No where else in the house had such an infestation, just our room.

It was wild.

It was like a demon movie.
So my dad being Dad was like "well why do you have all these spiders" and "how are you feeding them" like as if they were pets.

Well, how WERE they feeding? No flies. No mosquitoes. No motherfucking demonspawn moths

(I'm lepidopterophobic for moths only not butterflies)

We tore the room apart one day (well I did. She directed the work) and found just swarms of the little fucks.

And they were there for the mildew. What mildew?

The mildew in the wall between our room and the bathroom, where the hot shower steam had seeped in.
The mildew in the window tracks.

The mildew in the towel used to mop up spilled soda, and sitting in the hamper waiting for Sunday laundry day.
So we got rid of the mildew, and the psosids died off or moved elsewhere, and the spiders left.
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