I think there should be something said about the athletic support staff and the level of adaptability they (we?) are currently displaying. We’re operating in uncharted territories and with a rule book that is ever changing. We’re making Plan A’s, B’s, C’s...1/?
And sometimes D’s. We are working with a lot of variables (i.e. possible extended eligibility clocks, NCAA waiver approval possibilities, working with students in a 6+ hour time zone difference). We are forecasting out implications sometimes 2 years into a students future. 2/?
We are working with student-athletes everyday who have questions that we do not have any answers for. The stories I’ve heard and I’m sure many others have as well are heart-breaking from all sides. Nothing could’ve prepped us for what we’re doing right now. 3/?
So if you work in college athletics, remind yourself we’re all just doing our absolute best right now, even if that doesn’t feel like enough. We are all going through this in some capacity, so reach out to a colleague today and remind them they are valued and not alone! 4/4.
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