# 1 Myth stopping you from Massive Internet Success

"I have to be 100% Original."

Joe Rogan built a 7 figure podcast w/out being original

Gary Vee built a 7 figure brand w/out being original

The secret isn't in Originality.
The secret is in Persuasion.

The internet = An attention economy.

"By 2020, it’s estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on earth." 👀

Most people will read that stat and give up.

I don't blame them.

You're never going to create anything truly original with that...
amount of competition.

But there's good news.

You don't have to be "original" to stand out.

The secret lies in creating content for a highly targeted niche audience, and *persuading* them to consume it...

and letting THEM sell for you 😉

This is EXACTLY how...
guys like Joe Rogan got started.

Go back and watch the first episode of the Joe Rogan Experience.

It was just him and some friends smoking weed and talking sh!t into a crappy Macbook.

But over time he built a small but hardcore audience

and they started to spread the word
Now EVERYONE knows about the JRE podcast but it all started with that small hardcore audience he built.

As his reputation grew he got better guests (SOCIAL PROOF) and leveraged those contacts to get more guests.

That snowballed into a 7 figure deal he signed with Spotify

I did a similar thing with my Twitter account.

I started with 17 followers, PERSUADED bigger accounts to follow me, and now I have a cushy 4 figure/month business that pays my living expenses.

But I wouldn't be here if I didn't learn how to write persuasive tweets

It's not enough to "overwhelm the algo" if your content is boring.

Persuasion is no longer a novelty.

If you create ANY sort of content online, then persuasion will be the #1 tool in your toolbox.

The Best news?

It's not that hard to learn.

In fact... 👇👇
Creating maximally persuasive content isn't even a skill. It's a repeatable system you can apply to create content that consistently gets
-lifelong customers

I know because I apply my persuasion system every day to all of my content

You can follow @waronweakness.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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