As I started writing my book, I talked to my brother about it. We were home because our mom was in the hospital. My life had been upended. His, too. We were scared for our mom. But in spite of it all, Danny said the mission of the book was important & he was glad I was writing it
We had a good night together. We were both raw, but, I felt, hopeful. But the next morning, I woke up and found him on the couch, blue and not breathing. I did CPR on him as the paramedics came. He never woke up. The conversation about my book was the last we ever had.
There were many moments after my brother's death that I didn't think I would actually write the book. That returning to my life after my worst nightmare had happened seemed impossible. But I kept thinking back to our conversation, and just how fragile life can be.
So I did the one thing I knew Danny would have wanted me to do -- pick myself back up and write the book he thought was so important. I dedicate this book, and this moment, to my baby brother, who I miss every single day and I wish was here with me to celebrate. Love you, bro.
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