just bc a majority of christians that are awful are the ones that get put out on social media more, does not mean all christians are that way. the christians who are exceptionally nasty are, in fact, hypocrites. they are not really serving their higher power and what he wants
his followers to, if you will, advocate for. followers of christianity are supposed to address things lovingly, not be cruel towards a certain group of people because of their sexuality or where they come from. i was raised in a home with family members who followed+
christianity/catholicism and taught me to treat everyone with love and respect, no matter where they came from, what they look like, who they love or what they identify as. my family and most people i know have been taught the same thing. growing up in a christian school, however
i have been able to figure out what exactly is painted as “real” christianity and unfortunately, what their definition of that was was cruel discrimination and shielding all of that hatred with the bible. despite that i have fortunately got to know people who are accepting and
loving and understanding. this goes for people of all religions and no religion at all. there are always some, for lack of a better term, “bad eggs” in a group wherever you go. although i am not overly religious myself, i do believe in a higher power. and i believe that
higher power made everything in their own image and loves every single of the creations in this universe. there is no room for hatred or cruelty or any form of mistreatment. the hate “christians” give is not at all what their higher power would want them to do. the awful agendas
they push onto society has been warped and has strayed very far from the love and understanding they claim they’re practicing. i have seen the awful acts and words these awful people do and it is so disgusting and
and their actions do nothing to honor the higher power they claim to serve. their religious beliefs are merely a facade. hate is never and will never be the way.
- wow i did not expect that to turn into a whole thread but i just wanted to vent bc i’ve seen these people up close and personal and sadly have failed to try to get them to see what they’re doing/the way they’re living is wrong. feel free to read but i ask that you do not take+
this the wrong way!! i am on your side, no matter what your religion, race, ethnicity, or sexual identity. you are not a sin, you are not an abomination. you are wonderfully you and you are beautiful and loved no matter what. i’m with you. 🤍
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