1) Show me the R1 universities in the US and Canada who refuse to hire ornithologists.
2) Show me the outstanding ornithologists who publish in Auk and Condor who don't *also* publish in higher-impact journals of more general scope. 1/n

#SaveTheAuk #SaveTheCondor
3) Admit that 1 and 2 do not exist, and that the initial premise of renaming these journals is flawed.
4) If you somehow maintain that 1 and 2 do exist, explain how changing the *names* of our journals would solve the problem. 2/n

#SaveTheAuk #SaveTheCondor
5) If you're serious about this perceived problem, then you know that changing the *scope* of our journals could matter for things like citation indices.
6) Alternatively, we might consider merging Auk and Condor into one journal. 3/n

#SaveTheAuk #SaveTheCondor
7) The fact that 5 and 6 are not part of this conversation suggests to me that (a) you don't really understand the problem you think you're talking about, and/or (b) you're not actually interested in fixing it. 4/4

#SaveTheAuk #SaveTheCondor
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