Original comic: My parents were killed in a car accident.
Modern comic: My parents, who were secretly L.O.G.I.C. scientists on the brink of solving the Nightingale Paradox, were murdered in a car crash orchestrated by Artemis Payne, leader of the Void Syndicate.
Original comic: At the funeral, I saw a sparrow fly by. It inspired me to become the Silver Sparrow.
Modern comic: The sparrow was sent by the Songbird Society, a secret group founded by my ancestors, who all donned the mask and fought evil and corruption throughout the ages.
Original comic: The Dentist is a criminal who plants bombs in people's teeth and robs banks with his giant drill.
Modern comic: The Dentist is a force of nature. He is the shadow to your light. He is the universal constant. He is an idea. He cannot be killed.
Original comic: Good lord! Space gorillas have planted a mindworm into the senator's brain! Let's move, Sparrow Dog!
Modern comic: Mentalik's Rose Tinted Glasses gave me visions of a strange past that never existed. Absurd tales of space apes, brain parasites, and talking dogs...
Original comic: Call me the Silver Sparrow!
Adaptation: Hmph, the media's been calling me "The Silver Sparrow" like I'm some comic book hero. How ridiculous.
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