The college football social media outrage is symbolic of an issue in society.

We want the reward without doing the hard work to be able to get it. We're the spoiled fit throwing child.

We have to do the hard work. We can't just 'force' our way to something because we crave it.
And no fault of the players. If I were in their shoes at 21yr old, I'd be screaming to play.

Why? I was just like them. Incredibly driven, loved my sport, and so narrowed in on the sport that nothing else mattered.

That's why we have coaches, to provide perspective and guidance
This is the simplest controversy in the world. We can't have nice things until:
-positivity rate is below X%
-cases in area are below X/1,000
-Know risks on heart inflammation.

Let science provide those answers/guidelines. Then it should be on ALL of us to work towards that.
Maybe, what America needs is college football. We need college football to stand up and say:

"Hey America, do you want college football in November/December? Then get your shit together! Stop playing games and handle the pandemic. Then...we can play!"
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