some girl on facebook deadass deleted my comment because i called her out on spreading false information and taking away from the real problem at hand lmaoooo
like man you watched one or two conspiracy videos on youtube and think your an expert on child trafficking?? that you know all this insider information??
ive worked with children who have been sexually abused and trafficked here in muncie but instead of trying to really make a difference and educate yourself/help your community you’re sharing memes about tom hanks getting caught with child porn and fleeing to greece?
when there’s literally no information corroborating this? they became “honorary citizens” for helping during a fire a few years back that killed 100 people. a simple fucking google search tells you this.
if you’re so passionate about ending child trafficking start in your own backyard and stop shitposting on the internet. it’s 8:15am and i am already done with people today lol.
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