As NBER recently finished its summer institute and BREAD is announcing its upcoming conference, let's discuss how "insane" it is that these two important institutions in economics do not have open and transparent criteria for membership/affiliation.
This is what I get at the NBER website, when I click on people. You have to get nominated first - presumably by a member already - then there is some unclear selection process.
If you don't have the network, you won't even get nominated. I can pair many equivalent CVs of members and non-members stratified by experience and accomplishment...I don't think there is even any pretense to deny that some deserving people are excluded - it's a club...
This is what I get at BREAD website, when I click on People. They don't even try to describe the selection process - just list the people. If you went to the right school, had the right advisor, or you "play the game" and have someone nominate you, you get to have a shot.
Even if you're nominated by some luck, don't hold your breath. No one will explain to you why you were not given "admission" either. A worse club...
I don't know if such lack of transparency hurts women, minorities, and other underrepresented communities more - but it is likely. So, while we're talking about inclusion and diversity, let's do something about this as well?
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