I am quite comfortable openly critiquing every anti-democratic or genocidal campaign of my society. My Twitter timeline will prove it. I do not suffer the Francoist impulse to play whataboutism to avoid looking honestly at my own national past. But this is the.... https://twitter.com/El_Chete/status/1293134269515280384
....the dumbest, most dishonest meme in the Spanish rightist handbook. The reason the US percentage of indigenous people is less than that of Central or South America is not simply because of the brutalization of the native population. That is a constant in all European...
...colonial paradigms — Anglo, Spanish, German, Belgian, Dutch — no the difference is that for more then two centuries the US has repopulated itself at a geometric increase by being the destination for waves of world immigrants. Beginning in the late 19th Century...
...we became the destination point for one of the largest intercontinental migrations of humans ever undertaken and consequently our population is not simply predicated on the birth and death rates of indigenous or non-indigenous populations, but on the manifests of every...
...ship that discharged the world’s humanity at Ellis Island in New York or Ange Island in San Francisco. While Peru or Mexico have certainly been subject to the demographic power of immigration, no modern nation on Earth has been as rapidly transformed by it as the U.S. ever...
...we are fundamentally a country in which damn near everyone is from elsewhere. This is not to deny the fundamental racism delivered to our native populace — it was as fixed a constant as it was everywhere that Europe journeyed — but...
...to misuse statistics to pretend that Spanish influence in the Americas was somehow any more benign is the precise kind of craven horseshit that still allows Franco and fascism to escape a honest accounting of history.
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