Like this to get a random piece of information about me.
Shamelessly stolen from @ortholipa
1. For some reason I usually hold coffee mugs on the side opposite to the handle. There is no explaining this phenomenon.
2. Due to me getting at 6 am every workday, it is very difficult for me to sleep in past 7 pm, 8 pm at the latest.
3. Me saying that I'll do something "right away" is a sure sign I won't do it right away. On the contrary, it will ensure I'll never do it, until you start nagging.
4. I seriously envy people who have free time. If I have "free time," I don't; I'm procrastinating.
5. I honestly believe that Bible Illustrated and all of its related projects are God's will for me.
6. (Reposted after I realized the original tweet was posted on its own, apart from this thread) I hate beer in any shape or form. I'm also allergic to beer. Wish I wasn't and that I liked it.
7. I agree with Joe Rogan's comments regarding video games. I have profited immensely from video games because I know English because of them - but now I am generally of the opinion that the time can be better spent elsewhere.
8. I let you guys in on about 2% of my actual opinion on the episcopate. I keep most of it to myself because it would really cause no benefit to the Church, and can actually cause disservice to it.
9. I regularly fantasize about doing most horrible things to politicians. I am not proud of it and I thank God that I don't have the power I have in my fantasies because True Me would manifest, and it would *not* be pretty.
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