our generation are hella objectifying we literally post ourselves on the internet trying to look as nice as possible like dolls in a shop window so that we can be assured that we’re worth looking at and that people aren’t repulsed by our faces
everyone complains about how ephemeral and superficial validation on the basis of physical appearance is, but then actively increases it by posting and commenting shallow ass things, then disguising it under claims like “it’s empowering”
cause nah. If we really wanted to empower people we would stop the constant and endless posting of selfies and using beautifying filters and alla that, bc scrolling thru twitter tiktok sc ig is actually becoming hella uncomfortable as I‘ve started feeling like this
there’s this underlying sense of desperation in our entire generation where we’re constantly trying to prove ourselves to a literal invisible audience
everyone wants all eyes on them and if they don’t get that they’re unsatisfied
a lot of people say things like “i post for me” “its not that deep” “it’s not about validation” but what else is it about then? you can’t really give one good reason for tryna look your most attractive online other than for seeking the validation of others.
and if it’s become normal that our generation can only feel validated by receiving shallow ass compliments on their photos and videos, that’s a mess
we’re always tryna justify our social media addiction to older generations but then create the most toxic and useless environments on it. it’s the straining for the right angle and lighting, sucking in or flexing hard for a pose, taking 300 photos just to use 1
I’m talking about the pointless posts, the ones where it’s literally just someone standing or sitting or filming themselves and it doesn’t tell any kind of story or show anything unique or interesting or about who or where they are. It’s literally just a pose, I don’t get it!!
it’s all just hella uncomfortable and desperate
real beauty is seen thru the eyes of the beholder not through the 1000s of eyes that are judging you online. and if you think I’m saying this because I’m an ugly person irl and i don’t get validation, trust me it’s not that
I enjoy the side of tiktok where ppl just tell you to take in every moment and care less about image and impressions online because that’s what everyone needs to hear
maybe I complain too much but no one can convince me that I’m wrong on this thx for listening and good morning it’s so early
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