For the kids who didn't get the grades they wanted,remember that these grades dont count and youre going to end up where youre destined to. I know how it feels when everybody around u is getting amazing grades, that feeling in ur stomach, its going to be okay. Take a deep breath
Ofc I used to be happy and proud of my friends for acing their exams but at the same time I used to be internally dying. Asking God why my brain was so useless even after I had worked so hard. And this semester I got a 4.0 not only bc I worked my butt off also bc of change of-
Enviroment and the boost of confidence that gave me. Don't compare yourselves. My sister and I live in the same house she's an all rounder but I am the type of person who can excel in something that I TRULY enjoy doing. She and I are going to be successful in our own ways, IA -
And so will YOU.
Also, for the kids who did score well. You don't have to be guilty about it. CELEBRATE, because you deserve this. And we're all rooting for each and everyone of you ❤
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