I imagine I'll retweet this again in the future.
Look at the date there. We're two days short of 4 months of practice, practice, practice.

And at the same time, I'm sitting here thinking, 4 months aint all that much. What will my work look like at 5 months? 6? a year? https://twitter.com/Stimzn/status/1249549054293442561
And this isnt just me trying to like gloat. This poorly articulated and worded tweet is meant to show you what practice can do.
I'm still fresh, I'm still a novice at best with 3D modeling. But what I'm trying to say is stick to your guns. Keep working. Keep p r a c t i c i n g.
By no means am I proud of every model I make. I've been disappointed by most. Not being able to create what I originally set out to create is *frustrating*. But It's also *practice*.

Keep up your work friends. Shits rough, but you learn and you will get to your goals.
You can follow @Stimzn.
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