sometimes i think @lilskele sounds like nothing nowhere haha. that's not me saying skele's a clone or anything such as that it's just me saying skele's got mad fuckin talent homie. i've always been in love w nothing nowhere and that's a big reason i got hooked on skele. not only
that but his voice is amazing and has an overall vibe that a lot of artists can't have. that's a reason why i focus on underground music more, mainstream artists typcally don't seem to connect w me as much as undergound artists such as erisu, suisai, skele himself, nicoteen ninyo
etc. i truly believe skele and these other artists have great potential and one day being more than someones favorite artist. this thread kinda took a turn, it was originally supposed to be me talking about how great skele is haha but when you talk about one you have to talk abt
the others. i feel as if all these artists make eachother greater artists and in some cases make other people appreciate each artists more. now, i realize this may be hard to read and all but i hope y'all (more like one person) understand what i'm getting at. and to end it off
since this was originally a tweet dedicated to skele, i love you skele! keep up the amazing work and don't stop the grind bro đŸ˜€ you're such a humble person and quite enjoyable to talk to haha!

these may seem like a dick move right here, but i hope sometime we could possibly
work more than just me asking to flip a song :p

take it easy fam! <3
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