you’re not a starseed. you’re a highly sensitive person who feels intensely lonely & misunderstood bc people in your life have belittled your strong emotions or rich inner world, & are seeking a supportive environment where people value your emotional & creative contributions
its okay to be human. it’s okay to feel connected to the universe and have a rich and exciting imagination and beautiful inner monologues and intense feelings and a passion for knowledge and be incredibly sensitive to others emotions and pain, and still be a human being
these people making “unicult” and whatnot are taking advantage of vulnerable highly sensitive and possibly neurodivergent people who are maybe coming from backgrounds where they have been belittled, berated, and humiliated for their sensitivity and strong emotions
making you “buy in” to get essential items in order to join their group. its bullshit. people feel lonely and betrayed and confused by their situations and the people around them, and they need genuine emotional support and healing
as someone who lived with undiagnosed adhd until age 23, i get how confusing and stressful and lonely the world can feel. you need support from people with HONEST intentions and whatever these groups are that are telling you you’re a starseed are not that
sure- promoting meditation, dream journaling, channeling energy into creative focuses, making friends- these are all positive things. and they’re all things you can do for FREE, without having to pay into some tiktokers pocket
your emotions are valuable because theyre what make you who you are, and who you are is good enough. i know how good it feels to feel special for your differences, rather than looked down on. but you shouldnt have to be an “alien consciousness” to have someone tell you that.
cw/ abuse

sometimes ppl who have grown up in abusive homes or around narcissistic people BECOME highly sensitive as a survival technique. your ability to read body language, sense others emotions, read into things, give you a necessary survival skill to live in that environment
cw/ abuse

many of those same people develop rich inner worlds in order to escape the toxicity of their own homes, yearning for a different family or life, and use their incredible imagination to explore those possibilities
cw/ abuse

but many times, people around you who havent been through similar things won’t understand your loneliness, your intense and sometimes unregulated emotions, your strong sensitivity, and your vivid imagination. thus, compounding loneliness as you get older
cw/ abuse

of course not all highly sensitive people are neurodivergent or products of narcissism or abuse, but the main thing to remember is- you’re not alone! other people feel the things you do. it unites us as human beings.
cw for abuse above this tweet

your highly sensitive nature is something that can be an asset to you in life and in your connections with others and creative endeavors if you take the time to understand it, have compassion for yourself, and learn how to manage it.
take pride in who you are. your differences help color the world, make you see and feel things brighter, stronger. your passions and imagination and emotions can help shape the world into something more beautiful and thoughtful and compassionate for others.
you dont have to be an alien for your emotions to matter. for your desires to be realized. for people to see you as intrinsically valuable. there are enough people in the world telling you what you should be. it’s okay to just be you.
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