gonna be incredibly open and vulnerable here, but discourses like this make me immensely sad. I know it’s fun to troll and all that, but lemmie tell you from experience, there’s zero redeeming qualities to being obese. It’s a life of pain, loneliness and living in your own head. https://twitter.com/undeadscribe/status/1292627450510413824
Let’s just bracket the nonsense about Muh blaccness, Muh colonialism (if anything the real colonialism is the diet colonizers forced on them which they struggle to this day with obesity related illnesses)
What does one really get out of it? Nothing, in fact less than nothing.
You live in near chronic pain and fatigue, the littlest of exertions to most is a big deal, you’re a Pariah, you spend most of the time alone because the thought of a social life is almost untenable, the gaze of the other is a constant reminder of who you are.
Let’s not even go into the detriments to one’s health and well-being. Life becomes an awkward series of challenges you have to consider, even finding a good seat bars you from a lot of places. It’s embarrassing being this big. But here is the thing...
It’s bad when people just tear you down for some cynical entertainment, and the harshest of criticism comes from that which isn’t constructive. It can become tiring to get unsolicited advice constantly. And people do obsess over ephemeral looks, or try to match an ideal that
Only causes them eternal frustration. But this is besides the point. Nothing can happen until you wish to change, even just for health reasons. I lived in chronic pain for years, I still have pain, but you have to self-overcome.
And at the end of the day “fatphobia” is eternal COPE, because instead of internalizing the will to change one’s self, they take on the Herculean task of changing perceptions and social discourses around them.
Soon you live inside this delusion with these types where the slightest of suggestions gets interpreted as a heated attack on you, and this is the problem with most fat people (I was like this too), you become overtly sensitive and choose to dwell in a cocoon.
What are the supposedly professional people around her thinking? How can they enable this? (It’s academia and the “therapy” industry, so I’m not surprised they produce rather than cure neuroses). No change can ever come from within if you are unwilling to hear what others say.
At the end of the day there are several emotional, genetic and psychological issues that play into obesity, and certain people will just never be skinny. But this shouldn’t prevent any fat person from changing. It’s immensely difficult, I struggle with it, I know. It sucks.
It really kills me to see the wokes try and justify this refusal to lose weight and live healthier, to not live in constant pain and inner turmoil. Real love is telling people the truth when they are hurting themselves, not enabling people.
At the end of the day I realize what I am, and I have accepted myself as incredibly flawed, but I am trying to better myself despite almost daily pitfalls and failings, like choosing to not work out, over-eating etc. So I’ll delete this perhaps if it’s too much.
I just want to say to everyone out there who is fat like me, don’t buy into this objectively dangerous nonsense about “body positivity”. Be happy with yourself at a certain point, but my God when it means you are living a life of sickness and misery, it’s not worth it. OVERCOME.
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