I've honestly never hated an Instagram account more.

It jumped on a very valid concern with mass appeal (child trafficking) and twisted it into scaring middle class white women into thinking their children are under attack by Hollywood and Bill Gates.
First of all, this idea that you can care about child trafficking BUT NOT who it affects most--immigrants, minority kids, children below the poverty line and kids who have lost housing because they're LGBTQ+ and other vulnerable populations--is BONKERS!!!
I see so many people (mostly women) on IG specifically using child trafficking as a placeholder cause to care about instead of COVID/racial injustice because it gives them a false sense of activism and accounts like these use so much fearmongering that wastes people's energy.
Accounts like LMP jump in and add in all other BANANAS and easily debunked conspiracy theories (on a millennial pink background) and I'm so sick of seeing people duped into believing harmful ideas like anti-vaxxing & stupid crap like adrenochrome harvesting.
Anyway. Think critically you guys.
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