There are several times an Alberta doctor has helped me.
1. Last year, I decided to finally see a doctor because I now had a girlfriend who wanted me to take care of my health. Until then, I didn't give a fuck about it. My diet was poor. #AlbertaLovesDoctors
I also did little exercise. When I saw the doctor at the clinic, she took my blood pressure and it was high. She told me, flat out, I was a walking heart attack and/or stroke waiting to happen. That scared the living shit out of me. It started some changes. #AlbertaLovesDoctors
2. After #1, I decided to get a family doctor. I found a young guy who graduated in 2015 and after meeting him, he seemed good... if not a little socially awkward (but so am I, so I can't hold that against him). He got me to do some blood work. #AlbertaLovesDoctors
Turns out my poor diet had caused me to develop fatty liver disease. I was told if I had let that get out of control, it would have developed into cirrhosis and I could have, you guessed it, died. Again, that scared the shit out of me. #AlbertaLovesDoctors
In 2019, I had to be told by two different doctors that my lifestyle choices were going to put me in an early grave. Scary to hear when (at the time) you're 31. With the support of my girlfriend, I eat a lot better now and I exercise way more. #AlbertaLovesDoctors
My blood pressure is in the normal - borderline range (still working on it), my diet is better, and my weight is down 30 pounds (and I'm still working on that). I owe Drs. Mishra and Brokop for not sugarcoating my situation and giving it to me straight. #AlbertaLovesDoctors
I owe them (along with my girlfriend) my life.

So dear government of Alberta: stop vilifying our doctors. Get your ass back to the table and support the people who do some damn fine work in this province.

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