Taylor Swift as important papers in programming languages, a thread.

"An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming," C.A.R. Hoare, 1969. Introduced Hoare Logic for proving program properties.

"Abstract interpretation: a unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of fixpoints," Cousot & Cousot, 1977. Introduced abstract interpretation for statically analyzing program properties. Now used by Airbus.

"Design and synthesis of synchronization skeletons using branching time temporal logic," Clarke & Emerson, 1981. The first paper on model checking for program correctness. Led to the 2007 Turing Award.

"Abstraction Mechanisms in CLU," Liskov et al, 1977. One of the most foundational papers in objected-oriented language design. Barbara Liskov won the Turing Award in 2009.

"Proof-Carrying Code," Necula, 1997. The standard reference paper on the idea of compiling executables that carry verifiable proofs of their own properties. Won POPL's "Most Influential Paper" Award in 2007.

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