you can’t blame Jess for the way he acted when he first came into town, his mom was a fuck up and his dad was never around. so of course he’s gonna act out
he acted out for attention, for anybody to actually give a damn about him. Luke was the only adult that gave him a true chance
Jess was just a guy who loved to read and was incredibly smart. he didn’t deserve the hate he got from everybody in stars hallow
he found happiness and true love in Rory. yes he shouldn’t have left like that but can you blame him???? he didn’t know anything else, Liz never taught him how to handle a real relationship
Jess ended up being a published author in his early 20s and helped Rory realize her dreams

while Dean was still working for Taylor and a cheater

and Logan was still living off his daddy’s money which he lost over that stupid business
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