I injured both my hands in 6th grade playing baseball. So it was hard for me to use any book let alone a textbook. Later on in the year. They asked us to “invent” something for a science project. And I took that inconvenience to create something.
I come from an engineering background of a family. I was taught how to do a lot very young. So this was easy. I created a portable platform that would hold my book, turn the page when I was done reading with a button press and reset itself for the next page.
I remember my 6th grade science teacher being more impressed with a fucking hat that also converted into a visor and a toothbrush that had tooth paste inside it. She literally told me, this is useless. Fuck Ms Clarke.
Then who would become my 8th grade science teacher saw it at open house. She was so impressed by it. got my “invention” into the district science fair. I remember having to explain to everyone who passed by my booth how it worked and made it. I got a scholarship from it.
If you guys were in my 5th grade class. They had us make a volcano for a project. I ended up making a home movie of this HUGE volcano I made in my backyard with PVC pipes, pressure tanks, colored water etc. shit was lit 🔥
We had ATVs so we converted the volcano to a dirt ramp and turned our backyard to a figure 8 track. Lmao
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