Disney didn't buy Marvel to print comic books.

Warner Bros didn't buy DC Comics to print comic books.

They own the rights and can make adaptations. That's priority one. Both companies subsidize their comic publishing, which puts DC and Marvel in precarious positions.
Strictly speaking, print comics are not necessities for either Disney or WB.

Sure, sometimes they come up with new characters or storylines that would make for a cool movie or show, but in and of themselves comic books are not highly valued by the parent companies.
What's it all mean going forward?

My best guess would be streamlining. Less monthly titles, and likely the end of single issues with more emphasis on graphic novels.

Times are tough and AT&T's stock price is flat.
This isn't *entirely* about comics, but it is about DC Comics being somewhat expensable.

See, AT&T went on a buying spree. HBO, Warner Bros, Direct TV, etc ... they wanted to position themselves as rivals to both Disney and Comcast.

And it hasn't worked well.
AT&T's cable service is bleeding subscribers, Direct TV is a drain, and there is a massive pressure to keep AT&T's legendary stock dividend slowly increasing year-over-year.

This is made very difficult by the fact AT&T took on a LOT of debt to buy all those companies.
If AT&T cuts the dividend, people will dump their stock. Like, DUMP it. It's insane but if it were to happen AT&T could crash overnight. Just boom, gone.

But AT&T also needs to pay down those debts.

And if it can't cut the dividend, it checks the house for what's expendable.
The rumor is Direct TV is in line to be sold to Dish Network, but that's complicated by the fact it would create a satellite TV monopoly. That means it's not a quick solution.

But then there's DC Comics.

They don't make a lot of profit compared to the rest of AT&T.

It was quite literally John Stankey looking at Comcast and Disney and thinking, "Well, how hard can it be?"

(Yes, the man's name is John Stankey I can't believe it either) https://twitter.com/MetaReflexive/status/1293026899212591104
I just imagine John Stankey spends like 15% of any given day saying "It's pronounced StAHnkey, StAHnkey!"
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