why pronouns are sometimes not gendered, a thread!

— please keep in mind i’m a minor, so if you disagree, try to keep your hateful comments to yourself!

— i’m just trying to spread awareness and show you how i (and many others) think. :)<3
the pronouns i will be using as examples are he/him, she/her, and they/them! there are many other (very valid) pronouns, but just for the simplicity of this thread, i’m using the three most basic pronouns.
in most cases, pronouns are gendered! for example, most transgender people (mtf or ftm) prefer to use the “female” or “male” pronouns! it makes them feel comfortable and they associate their pronouns with their gender. but that’s not always the case!
there are lots of people who identify as non-binary but use she/her or he/him. there are also lots of people that identify as male that use she/her or they/them. same with female, using they/them or he/him.
my example will be female. this person identifies as female, but just generally prefers to be referred to as he/him or they/them. for their personal experiences and their personal experiences only, they don’t see their own gender and their pronouns being the same.
when they say gender and pronouns aren’t the same, they are only speaking for their experiences. personally to them, their female gender does not correlate with the pronouns they prefer to use. but they know this is not the case for everyone!
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