i dont like how TCW season 7 barely focuses on its main characters the entire first 8 episodes focus focus on the bad batch or whatevery they're called and ahsoka's 2 new friends who are sisters its just a waste of potential when
obi-wan and chadakin could have had their own arcs dedicated to them 4 episodes each similar to what happened with ahsoka anakin's character may have seemed like he didn't need a finale but his character is much different than ROTS anakin so it was needed
ex-anakin and ahsoka's relationship suffers from many problems as it needed more screen time and was implied at many times
we could have had the show start off with an episode that takes place between s4 and 5 and it could have fleshed out their relationship more
also obi-wan although he was much of the focus in season 5 in the mandalore arc we only have 1 scene of him and his conflict with maul and satine when we could have had an arc for in TCW focusing on his pain and maybe the aftermath of satine's death to flesh out his suffer
another idea i have is to dedicate another 4 episodes to flesh out another thing that was mostly implied
rex's and ahsoka's relationship although they do have some nice moments it doesn't seem as if they're very close until siege of mandalore and the finale would have
been better if their connection was more established
maybe have a flashback arc to a mission they went on that showed them bond through tragedy
or maybe have rex bump into ahsoka on a mission or something
my ideas btw are about changing the episodes prior to siege of mandalore as the finale is one of the best arcs in the show but the rest of the season is really bad
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