-Fae faer is disrespectful to the fae and Celtic culture-
Celtic is a ethnic term for people from the Celtic isle, which is Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man, Brittany, and Cornwall.
The celts have faces massive erasure throughout history. Whether it was the romans invading and destroying sacred altars, the welsh not, or the mass murder of the Celtic people, our culture has certainly taken a beating
Much of our folklore, stories, and information on our gods, magic, and the fae was told orally. The Druids (skilled magic practitioners of the celts) did not write much stuff down. So when the romans came and killed a ton of us off, lots of our culture was lost as well
The fae are some of our lesser gods. These can be elves, gnomes, dryads, etc. even unicorns are Fae. There are thousands of types of fae. The fae are important to the Celtic culture, our history, our magic, and folklore
Much of modern information on the Fae is false and made up. Fae faer pronouns are a result of the false image of the fae, that being that “the fae are cute and friendly and playful!” Which might be true for some types of fae, but certainly not most.
These pronouns also show a disrespect and misunderstanding of Celtic culture. They show a lack of knowledge on our erasure. The fae are literally lesser gods, and using a god as a pronoun seems very disrespectful don’t you think?
I understand you might not believe in paganism, not believe in the Fae or magic, but please. I ask you to respect beliefs and others culture. The fae have been known to not be the friendliest to humans, and Fae faer pronouns make many Celtic people-
and practitioners uncomfortable, scared, and disrespected.
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