In 8 days, It will be two years to the date that I took the red pill and started on my journey of awakening and becoming a cue observer. I always knew many things were amiss, but I couldn't put my finger on exactly what those things were.

At first I felt like I was part of an
underground, secret club. I have always been a Patriot but that Patriotism took on a whole new meaning and rose to a new level. I was taking everything in at a rapid pace after I read @martingeddes article 'WWG1WGA'. From there I watched Q-The Plan to Save the World and
@Patriotize's videos. I was sold and now had a mission in life outside of being a mother and nurse. Fast forward one month...I see the word A D R E N O C H R O M E for the first time. I looked it up and that's when I found out about the children. At first I couldn't believe it.
Normal minds can't wrap around the deviance and evil that it takes to commit such heinous atrocities. When I could no longer deny that such vicious acts had taken place against the most vulnerable and innocent victims, I cried for two weeks straight. I could barely keep it
together at work, but I had to be strong for those entrusted to me. I couldn't look a child in the eye without crying. My heart was literally broken at that point. I questioned everything, but mostly how a loving God could allow that to go on and how we were all blinded to the
harsh reality. The conclusion I came to, was that it was a loving God who placed President Trump in the highest office in the land to take the issue head on. It was also a loving God who assembled a team of relentless Patriots to carry the torch of truth to the masses.
Having said all of that, it truly is up to us to eradicate the abuse of children, at least to the extent we can. Absolutely no child left behind is the attitude we all must take, as anything less is a travesty. Thanks for listening.

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