okay i’m actually just gonna say it bc i’ve been keeping it in for months and i feel like i’m gonna explode and at this point i don’t care just unfollow me but he/him lesbians and she/her gays aren’t real please just block me guys i don’t care anymore 1/?
you may be thinking “but you support neopronouns? how-“ lemme tell ya babey!!! pronouns are a tool of language. they are used to indicate to people in conversation of the gender the other participant identifies as. hence why neopronouns make sense, those are-
-associated with various different genders (which are all valid) and he/him can be used by anyone, but those people, by using he/him, are labeling themselves as male-aligned or masculine in some way. lesbians are women aligned people, already in danger from erasure, this doesnt-
-help. “i use he/him because i’m disconnected from my femininity and don’t like she/her” have you considered that you’re not a woman then? have you considered the fact that, maybe, if you’re so disconnected from that, then you aren’t a lesbian nor a woman aligned person???-
- or! have you considered using pronouns that aren’t he/him but still indicate your detachment from femininity? has it crossed your mind that he/him is not for you and there are PLENTY of other options? or that if you’re so comfortable with he/him you might not be a lesbian or-
-woman at all??? and have you even taken into account how invalidating it is to trans men that you’re insisting he/him can be associated with women and are putting us in danger of being misgendered even despite our correct pronouns being used? if this thread is messy that’s bc-
-i am tired and my brain is scrambled but genuinely. I don’t care. “have you read the carrd” yes and it furthers my point that none of you know what you’re talking about and y’all make no sense. goodnight im excited to wake up with like zero followers
forgot to add that lesbians who use he/him if they’re in genuine danger of lesbophobes are valid
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