The accounts tweeting about recalling Gavin Newsom are disproportionately recent creations, with a very visible spike in accounts created March 2020 or later. We've seen this same pattern among the followers of major MAGA/Q accounts.
The hashtags in these accounts' profiles are mostly right-wing ( #MAGA, #KAG, etc). Q-related hashtags are notably absent. This is a recent change, however - prior to Twitter's QAnon enforcement actions, #WWG1WGA and #QAnon were the 4th and 5th most common hashtags, respectively.
Update: @RichardGrenell found this thread and weighed in, followed quickly by a bunch of random #MAGA accounts, most of whom seem to have utterly failed to read the thread they were replying to in its entirety (or at all, in some cases).
The "Everyone I Don't Agree With Is a Russian Bot" meme in response to a thread that doesn't mention Russia anywhere was particularly hilarious. Thanks, @moneyrulesfools!
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