when bipoc in the fandom were hurting over b/l/m, that side of the fandom made it about "bullying" adults with platforms that could help and countered that bullying by making a troll account to bully other people (often minors) for merely existing and made a lot of us feel unsafe
when bipoc speak out about questionable rep on the show, it's invalidated as "nitpicky," met with passive aggressive comments like "ffs" or they're told to "make your own rep, then"
the same people who adore doc will then call rosita or shae "bitches" and hope they d*e. shae quite literally did NOTHING wrong and the only questionable decision rosita made was to protect herself which is arguably the reason for most of doc's decisions so far as well
kate also didn't do anything wrong since doc was her HUSBAND and he constantly went TO her!!!! but this fandom hates HER for HIS actions. i wonder WHY!!!!
we have GOT to do better as a fandom and we cannot keep letting these things slip by in the name of "kindness." accountability is LOVE. if we didn't love each other and this show, we would not care enough to try and make it better.
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