On February 7th, 2017 Adam and I went to see Hidden Figures in the movie theater. We had no idea that our son had been born earlier that day.
On February 9th there was an epic snow storm in the northeast. We were so excited to both have the day off of work. Adam was still in bed and I was drinking coffee and taking selfies of my new purple hair...when...
At 10AM our social worker called us and asked if we were sitting down. We had been chosen by Alfie’s (amazing) birth mother to adopt the baby she had given birth to.
We collapsed in a heap of tears. And realized:holy shot we aren’t prepared at all! And yet, it’s a snow storm and we can’t leave the house! Cut to us waiting until 8:00 that night to dig out our car and go to target for baby stuff. 🤭
We bought, among other things, a baby bow tie (that he never wore...) and baby suspenders (that he never wore...) we listened to Jobriath in the car and ate Taco Bell for dinner. These are things I’ll never forget.
The next morning as we anxiously waited for papers to be signed I did a Dead Sea clay mask. Around noon we got the call that everything was done. 30 minutes later alfie was in our house. A baby. In my arms. Adoption is an amazing thing.
Reference pics:snow storm. Purple hair selfies. My FIRST EVER picture with my son...and to be fair, Adams first picture with alfie too. You can smell the anxiety in these photos.
This little turd of a child is the greatest most challenging amazing heartbreaking lovable thing that ever happened to me.
You might be asking yourself: what cause Andrew to have this sudden sentimental nostalgia?........we started planning our Halloween costumes and I just felt so lucky to have a family’s weird as I am.
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