This thread begins our live chat! @KET is showing this now. #mhaky
Higher #ACEs correlated with substance abuse, smoking, and depression. #mhaky
What to do next if you have a high # of ACEs?
Start writing an autobiography of your life, to set the story straight in your own mind. Then think about how those are affecting you now.
Psychotherapy to help deal with those that are affecting you. But therapy can be inefficient, unavailable and expensive. Dr. recommends hypnotherapy from a qualified provider.
We need to understand the context of adversity so we can get to root causes. #mhaky
Root causes are deeper looks than surface SDOH and ACEs info. #mhaky
Thank you for highlighting the SDOH, ACEs and health disparities related to #COVID19 I n #Kentucky and beyond. #mhaky
"Fix the soil, not the ant," says @ReneeKET #mhaky
Let's be careful when discussing ACEs and resilience that we are talking about it in the right way. #mhaky
Colleges and schools in Kentucky - what support do you need for providing additional help to students during and after #COVID19? #mhaky
. @gsprang impulse control, mood regulation issues, and self destructive behaviors can be signs of stress and trauma in kids. #mhaky
Alterations in self perception - chronic sense of guilt, responsibility, shame, etc can also happen as a result of stress and trauma says @gsprang #mhaky
Betrayals and violations of trust ends up in equating intimacy with harm and danger, says @gsprang #mhaky
Break the intergenerational cycle. "Hurt people hurt people", after all. #mhaky
Marta Miranda Straub, new DCBS Commissioner, says she wants to mitigate #trauma in Kentucky's kids. Create spaces for DCBS workers to process the secondary trauma, their own trauma, and more. #mhaky
#covid19 has increased flexibility on DCBS. Creating a more flexible and nimble return to work and return to services is her goal. #mhaky
For the record, MHA Kentucky supports trauma informed workplaces. There are specifics in DCBS roles that may not easily be flexible. We look forward to seeing this time of growth and change. #mhaky
The @BounceCoalition is active with children's mental health efforts in Kentucky. #mhaky
PTA parents, parent-teacher conferences, report cards signed off, family photo night are all things @BounceCoalition did in pilot school. #mhaky
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