
If we look 10 billion light years out from Earth, we're seeing 10bn years back in time. But 10bn years ago the Quasars weren't 10bn light years away (the universe has expanded since then), so how can we be seeing them where they never were?

Paradoxical infinity?
If time began at the Big Bang, there was an eternity before the Big Bang ... but in an eternal state, everything that defines that state would have been eternally recurrent, so at any 'moment' you might observe, the Big Bang would've already happened. Impossible.
Even more bizarrely, the Big Bang started from a central point (as would be necessary in any definite space), yet apparently at ANY particular vantage point you might take, everything appears to be receding away from you.

A measurable object can't be infinite...
If there is no Time to God, there can be no time before or after the universe started - but since the universe DOES exist, it must've always existed to God... which renders it eternal, and not reliant on God for its existence. 🤔
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