Carol fans want to make up this fake narrative that Richonne stans hate & bully Melissa which is a lie. So I decided to make a thread of their fandom bullying/hating the actors, their family, and the media. Stop projecting carylers we've seen the Ableism, Racism, and Bullying.
Let's start with Caryler's attacking the actors over shipping nonsense 🙄 it's funny that they pretend to be advocates for letting people ship what they want unless it's Daryl with Connie of course. She says he may cause attacks against the cast while she doing exactly that 🥴
Kang did an interview where she discussed Michonne's new look for season 9 and just because Danai felt a grey streak was not edgy enough for Michonne (which it isn't) they went on multiple rants attacking her disposition.
If they want to insist that hating a tv character is the same as hating an actress then wouldn't these Ableist attacks on Connie be the same as attacking the actress who has the same disability. This is disgusting.
Oh this psychopath hates Danai with a passion for absolutely no reason, then here she is eluding to the Saviors r*ping Michonne & it's fucking sick. So glad she decided to delete her account but I have a suspicion she's hiding behind a new account in their fandom.
Let's get to the real crazies in the fandom. The ones who love to attack Norman's woman & child over a tv ship 😳. Y'all weird af, now this is some scary shit and this is what you call hate.
It's insane how much hate the mother of Norman's child gets and for this person to say he's in love with Melissa 😩 are y'all ok?
Really? Attacking a baby 🙄
More attacks on Diane while shipping Norman with Melissa is just weird, and to @ him with this mess.
All the hate that Caryl fans were sending Norman's family got to him and when he got fed up he rightfully liked this tweet.
But not only did his family get attacked but even his friends got attacked for liking Diane. Here they attacked Hilary & JDM for defending her motherhood. Yikes these 2 people were doing entirely too much.
Norman also gets a lot of hate if he post about any other ship other than Caryl. So much so that he liked a tweet calling them out, I mean from the way they attack him, his child, and girlfriend who can blame him 🤷🏾‍♀️.
Calling Connie a dog sitter is a microaggression that Caryl fans love to use and we also peeped that subtle Ableism.
Caryl/Carol shippers can get real nasty when debating. They go so far as to say racist, transphobic, and misogynistic things. They think their bigotry goes unnoticed but when we point it out they gaslight us saying we took it the wrong way.
Now I'm not going to say I never got mad at the media covering tv shows but this was ridiculous, they were only talking about a friendship bond so why attack?
Another attack on Norman just because he made a comment about beth 👀 like calm down.
There's so much more that was sent to me but I'm tired 😔
Lmaooo this person is obsessed and is definitely "jealous", you'll see more of them but let's recap. They have attacked Norman, Danai, and Cudlitz so far.
Stereotyping a black person's name is not a good look because it contributes to racial biases, this Caryl fan purposely called Lala Laniqua. And they wonder why their fandom has a reputation of being racist.
Now that this person has attacked Danai, Cudlitz, and Norman they have moved on to Brandon & Johnny which is very hypocritical since she complained in the last tweet about some fans attacking YNB personally which she does often to the actors and media that aren't Caryl shippers.
Telling someone online that you're debating with that you have a gun is on another level of violence, just cuz people don't ship or like the same characters as you doesn't mean you should subtlety tell them you will shoot them. Clearly something is not right with CarylSunshine 😳
Just more examples of Carol/Caryl fans harrasing TWD main accounts all in the name of their ship & fave. Just cuz Donnie was winning in the first poll they bullied Johnny so much he had to make another one & of course Michonne getting some attention doesn't sit right with them.
This was already added to my fandom racism thread but since it was a Caryl fan who said it then might as well be added to this thread too. All Lives Matter is a saying created to undermine the BLM Movement. Saying it to Danai was very disrespectful.
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