i can't believe this has to be said but can people please stop being homophobic and labeling it as a joke? it's horrible how if a cishet person made these jokes we'd understand it's homophobic and we'd call them out for it but suddenly lgbt+ people can make these jokes? no. /1
they shouldn't be allowed to, just like cishet people. telling mlm/nblm/bi girls/etc to "get well soon" for liking men or telling them you're "sorry that (they) like men" is fucking disgusting and should NOT be normalized. i understand the "kill all men" jokes because they /2
are towards an oppressive group but i draw the line when you're normalizing homophobic/biphobic jokes. it's not funny. it's sick. it genuinely makes me hate myself for liking men and it's not fucking okay. please stop normalizing these jokes and making them. you can keep /3
making your "kill all men" jokes and your wallet jokes but please, please don't shame people for liking men. it's a problem, so please don't become part of it. /4 (end of thread)
i'm sorry this is so long but i'm seriously sick and tired of being shamed just for liking men. i can't fucking help it.
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