this panel is a pile of shit i don’t care.. what was kishi thinking when he wrote this
i suppose it makes sense that it was the third saying it (basically itachi is extremely and doubtlessly loyal to the village) i hate hiruzen so much oh my god don’t even get me started on him
imma bash on hiruzen a bit okay let’s go
in order to do this i need to talk about tobirama first. i know the dream of peace and a village was mainly hashirama’s (also madara’s) but it was brought about by seeing siblings—CHILDREN—die on the battlefield and in war. people often forget tobirama lost his siblings as well
due to his cold demeanor and dismiss his feelings. i believe he also shared that dream and agreed that children should NOT be on the battlefield. the academy graduation age was high after the village was formed because the founders DID NOT WANT children soldiers. but tobirama
isn’t like hashirama in the sense that he’s much more a realist than his brother. he would become the ideal son and allow hashirama and his optimism to flourish. i have no doubt that on his team, tobirama instilled these ideals of a better future for children and the next gen
into his team. so how the FUCK hiruzen allowed for children (kakashi, itachi, etc..) to be placed into the front lines of war time is beyond me. just because they were strong? he basically disregards everything his sensei taught him lmfao. and then he leaves naruto alone for his
entire childhood and thinks monthly visits can make up for the abuse he suffered at the hands of the villagers. naruto clearly had an anbu squad tracking him as a child and i will never understand why they only interfered with the physical abuse and not mental abuse thrown at him
kakashi: yeah umm lord third danzo just hired me to assasinate you
hiruzen: aha don’t worry about that imma yell at him but still let him be in a high position of power. i know hes doing a LOT of shady shit imma just ignore it ahaha
i think a lot of the hypocrisy and misdirections in naruto are due to later story changes but it still aggravates me
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