Alright we've just received instructions for emergency weather contingencies and we're getting started.

Thread here with any interesting updates. Hang with me!
New scene.
Public comment is starting. First to speak is a freshman on the football team. He does not think canceling school or sports is the right decision.
A junior now. She's worried about the anxiety all the back-and-forth is creating.

She feels she's already behind in studies bc environment at school is not good for learning.
Teachers union up now.

Staff doesn't feel staff, she says.

2% of classrooms can be 6 ft apart. 10% can be more than 3 ft.
The rest have less than 3 ft of space for social distancing.

"We're frustrated, we're tired, we're scared."
She ends with "we need you to make better decisions" and gets a very loud standing ovation.
Someone else, I think a parent (?) says keeping kids isolated... doesn't give them ability to develop into productive part of society.

"Nowhere does it say that the government has to keep us safe. We all have liberty and our own responsibility for our safety."
He says he supports the board and doesn't want them to be pushed into decisions by a "loud minority" and there is a silent majority in support of keeping schools open.
Student body president is speaking now.

"I have to pick between the safety of my family and the people who are at risk in my household and... my education."

Advocating for a hybrid schedule.

"We do not feel safe in the current situation," she says.
PE teacher from Avon South Middle School speaking now.

She said another teacher who was going to be here to speak found out her son has tested positive. Said reported it to the school and was told to report to work, anyway.
There were four teachers absent today and no subs, she said.

"I want to teach. I want to teach effectively in an environment that's fun and safe for my students."

Said she can't do that right now and would be able to do so better in a virtual or hybrid environment.
A virtual teacher says they don't have the resources or guidance they need.

They have been provided little to no professional development.

She has 30 4th grade students from several different schools.
A middle school teacher:

Desks are 12 to 15 inches apart. Said hallways/bathrooms/etc are too crowded.

She said the district hasn't involved the staff in these conversations and is risking losing more teachers.
Parent with three kids in Avon Schools.

Applaud decision to close high school, but calls general handling of positive cases (there have been 9 in the district) negligent.
He asks the board how many will get sick and/or die before they "make the right decision."
Freshman football coach up now, supportive of keeping schools open.

No deaths in school-age kids in Indiana he said (apparently it's from CDC will check later).

He says we're downplaying importance of in-person school, extracurriculars.
It's a getting a little tense. Some bickering from the crowd.

He said 20 football players had to quarantine bc of a positive case (news to me).
Parents have been looking for answers, impacts much more than just the school (extended families, etc).

Also says they've asked for # of cases that would be threshold to close and haven't gotten an answer.
"Avon students do not need to the canaries in the coal mine for the rest of the country."
A man now with two students who went to Avon schools. Sounds like they've graduated. He also has more than 30+ years teaching.

"If you lose one of your kids, they don't come back. They're dead."
Parent says her son was notified of exposure to case in school on day two.

He contacted his teachers and five days later, still hasn't received response from half of them.

No plan for kids suddenly quarantined, she said.
Also says there's a lack of transparency at the district.

"How am I as a parent supposed to make an informed decision for my student without critical information?"

Asking for dashboard with number of positive cases at each school and number kids in quarantine.
A high school soccer player wants schools to stay open.

He said eLearning was much harder for him. Clearer in classroom, can ask questions of your teacher on the spot.

Without school, you also miss a lot of big life moments.
Another parent:

Said most families chose to come back and kids are showing up bc they're not afraid.

If someone is afraid, they can choose eLearning. They chose to send kids back and if their kids get sick, that's on them, he said.

"Grow some balls, parents."
A teacher:

This is a failure in leadership. Teachers are panicking because there aren't plans in place. Set thresholds, she said.
Next speaker: I thought there would be more teachers proposing a plan. I don't see any solutions, just finger pointing.

He says "this administrative staff will work with you," and teachers in the crowd laugh.

Now he's asking why they signed up to be teachers.
This is getting uncomfortable, y'all.
A high school English teacher:

This is the woman that was holding the "what's your plan" sign.

She said she doesn't know what the plan is for next week (when the high school will be on an, as yet undisclosed, hybrid model).
All virtual option doesn't have the same class choices (I take it they don't have all the AP/high level classes).

Choices are safety or subpar education, she said.
Teacher at the high school, and also has two grads and a current sophomore:

There's a middle ground that makes a lot of sense, she said, and it's the hybrid model. Maintain relationships with students, she said, and allow for social distancing. Right now, she said, is not safe.
Another student, who is also an athlete says not having sports will ruin her life. She's playing soccer to get a scholarship to college.
Another student:
I love going to school, I love seeing my friends but I don't feel comfortable.

Hallways are still packed during passing periods and "some kids wear their masks and some don't."
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