Edward Cullen as Moira Rose -- A Thread.

Edward on Bella's first day of school. #midnightsun
Edward sitting next to Bella in biology class. #MidnightSun
Edward plotting the death of the entire classroom. #midnightsun
Edward introducing himself to Bella. #Midnightsun
Edward leaving Forks to avoid killing Bella. #midnightsun
Edward seeing Alice's visions. #MidnightSun
Edward visiting Bella at night. #midnightsun
Edward taking Bella to the meadow. #midnightsun
Edward realizing he ~won't kill Bella... #midnightsun
Bella telling Edward he's good at being close to her. #Midnightsun
When the lion fell in love with the lamb. #midnightsun
When Edward tries to convince the Cullen's that he can be with Bella publicly and it will be fine. #MidnightSun
Edward preparing to take Bella to vampire baseball. #midnightsun
Edward trying to defuse the James/Victoria situation. #midnightsun
Edward finding out Bella escaped Alice and Jasper. #midnightsun
Edward fighting James. #midnightsun
Edward sucking the venom out. #midnightsun
Edward and Bella at prom when she still wants to be changed into a vampire. #Midnightsun
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