Richard Russell's death was symbolic.

He represents the desire every single one of us long for; freedom.
The freedom of not working a 9-5, six days out of the week just to go home to watch mind numbing programing, perhaps the latest ball game. Then before you know it your short moment of serenity is over and back to wage slaving you go.
People all over are growing tiresome of wasting their life for a government and society that no longer caters to their needs. For decades, people have been under the spell of living a life of hedonistic materialism, waiting for their next paycheck to buy the lastest shiny object.
This is not a natural life. God intended for us to live for family, conviction and homestead. Life can be plentiful and joyous, but there is a systemic evil pulling the strings at the top seeking to exploit the innocence and pureness of everyday folk.
This evil has a deeply rooted hatred of love and prosperity. They wish to see us broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed and they think it's funny. Never forget what they do.
Richard was a martyr for us all. "Us" being the silenced majority that is too busy with the life they have herded us into.
We're so caught up in our daily routine that many cannot think for themselves without falling victim to the hive-minded state. Current events are quickly lost to the memory hole and shortly after a new outrage appears.
Many may call this man unhinged. A better word is unplugged. Richard left behind a loving wife and a beautiful child that will live the rest of their lives without him. Is it rightful to condemn the actions he took? Absolutely. But after all is said and done can you blame him?
Not even ones own family can stop a man from unplugging from this hellscape. That is how deeply rooted this struggle is. In his last moments he was not frenzied or schizo-ing out. In fact, quite the opposite. He was calm, he was... free.
So what is the take away from Mr. Russell's final flight?

Before nose diving and calling it a night Beebo lived a life of love and generosity. Those who knew Richard said he was peachy and cared for everyone he met.
SkyKing wouldn't hesitate to lift someone up even if he was feeling down. No matter the mood he was in he made sure that everyone around him felt a little better after talking with him. He didn't want to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, he made sure everyone felt cared for.
Though Mr. Russell knew when his last moments were, that doesn't mean you will. Pray to Christ, call your mother and tell her you love her. Call your father and tell him he raised a good man.
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

This is our oath.

RIP #SkyKing
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