There was really never any question on screen that those faces were the Doctor. If they had been Morbius, the scene wouldn’t make any sense at all. The whole point of the scene is that the Doctor and Morbius are stuck in a mental battle.

Morbius asks, ‘How far back Doctor, how long have you lived?’ We see a picture of Baker, then Pertwee, then Troughton, then Hartnell... but then another, and another, and another, and another... and the machine explodes! Morbius loses.

If we say those faces were Morbius, then the scene goes like this. ‘How far back Doctor? How long have you lived? Shows 3 previous faces of the Doctor (that we already know), then it shows Morbius 8 of his own faces, and the machine explodes! Huh?

There’s literally no clear story there. It’s ok if people to dislike the idea of pre-Hartnell Doctors, but Phillip Hinchcliffe is just as guilty of this as Chris Chibnall, and I wish people would stop pretending any different.
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