an interesting windows laptop advertises ~10hr battery life. I have consistently been seeing less than half that. windows reports that chrome and sublime are taking up over 85% of the battery usage over any active period (which checks out since I use those most).
I've been so frustrated. I closed twitter for awhile thinking it was that. then I closed all my slack-in-browser tabs. even closed sublime for awhile. still bad battery life.

then I closed my linked-in tab I had pinned (and cnn, tbf), and re-opened twitter, slack, and sublime.
and guess what? My battery life is back to over 9 hrs.

closing some combination of linked-in, reddit, and cnn pinned tabs restored over 4 hrs (40-50%) of my laptop's battery life.

that's insane to me! how?
I should note that even though I had those sites pinned, I only used them occasionally... linked-in more often than others because of their little notifications.

so they spent most of the time as background tabs. seems so crazy to me.
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