Americans are angry, and tired. But I ask all my brothers and sisters, please, be patient a little longer. Fully exhaust the pen before you draw the sword. Shoulder the weight a little further. Once bloodshed begins, there is no going back. War is hell, and it will not be fought
/2 in some far, distant land. It'll be fought in your driveways, your streets, your neighborhoods. You won't know who is for you, or against you. Your food sources will stop, your medicines will stop, your amenities will stop. Life will change drastically. Are you prepared to
/3 exist in a world of violence, where there is no electricity? No flushing toilet or running water? Where your neighbor who has starving children will kill indiscriminately to keep them alive? Study warfare. Its a hard and brutal life. Death seeks you out. You will see the
/4 humanity change in your loved ones. You will change. We should all seek diligently to fix this, through a peaceful process, and be willing to sacrifice what we can within reason to keep that sword sheathed. I know we are all tired. I know we see injustice, but it must be
/5 remembered; God is in control. His word will be fulfilled. Prayer is a mighty weapon, and He has promised us, if we seek Him, and turn from wickedness, He will hear us and restore us. That is the answer we must seek. Stay out of the flesh, and seek Him in spirit.
/6 Exhaust the pen, patriots. This must be the way. Take heart, Jesus has overcome. Be courageous. Stand firm. Angels are with us. You are never alone. Love to you all.

Semper Fi. 🇺🇸
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