In graduate school, I wrote a paper on DuBois, Hegel, and Bacofen. The white philosophy professor told me that he would only grade the section on Hegel b/c DuBois was not philosophy.
I have been in departments where white feminists would rave a/b supporting & being an ally to Black people, then explain to me how they taught bell hooks & Susan Brownmiller to show how Black men are rapists.
Blk ppl have spent their entire careers trying to change philosophy. When they retire or die, no one remembers them, or cites their work. This conversation a/b the potential of philosophy to adjust is nothing more than gaslighting & at this point really is offensive.
Philosophy departments do not hire Blk people based on skill, they hire for diversity or "race." This means that whites are hired to teach traditional philosophy & Blacks are hired for race jobs...which they also let white women and white men compete for.
So while white departments are quite clear that their jobs in Foucault, Hegel, Dewey, etc. are for white people, & their feminism jobs are for white women, Blk ppl have to compete w/everyone to be hired in the 4 or 5 jobs in race.
And Blk people who have actually studied race & written dissertations on the subject are forced to compete w/ppl who have never taken classes or written on the subject before.
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