useful further support for the importance of income maximisation and debt management to health.

locally CAB is planning on expectation that demand will increase by 30% or more.
The link to health & wellbeing is a very obvious one but add in increasing council tax and rent arrears, potential loss of homes, impact on social care, impact on mental health services.
1 limit spread of COVID (as that will exacerbate poverty in short and long term) 
2 economic recovery is dependant on limiting spread
3 SSP and economic support to self isolators etc
4 job retention focused on deciles 1-3 for eg - we KNOW these are the groups most impacted by COVID

5 sector AND place specific responses on economic recovery
6 agile winding down of job retention to minimise inequitable economic impact
7 income maximisation makes a difference in some of the most vulnerable populations - can protect health 
8 conditionality in benefit system?

9 extend the temporary increases in social security as part of a programme of strengthening the benefits system
10 policies to incentivise job creation -  support to retrain and find new high-quality work

11 if there is fiscal shift - shouldnt exacerbate income inequalities 

12 increasing genuinely affordable housing options to reduce pressures on family incomes from housing costs
13 early years services and child care to support children from the youngest ages

14 fixing the gaps in local welfare provision to protect the most vulnerable.
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