1. This only people that make the pandemic political are the @KLoeffler's of the world, when they decided to turn a straight-forward public health emergency into a wedge issue, and thus cause 1000s of people to get sick & die needlessly. Trust me, football conferences don't give https://twitter.com/KLoeffler/status/1292855680282632192
2. two shits about "politics." What they wanted was to play football. And they could have too, if they were housed in a country where one of the two major political parties hasn't lost its goddamned mind and literally led its constituency down a death rabbit hole over what? A
3. nut-job president that couldn't find his own ass if it wasn't attached to him. The lunacy of the predicament we are in here, in the U.S., it is extraordinary. @KLoeffler's millionaire. Pick up the phone senator, call someone in the UK, or Canada, or anywhere. They are looking
4. at your party and this batshit nuts anti-science, anti-reality "it'll just magically go away- lets just pretend it doesn't exist" pandemic approach and they are BAFFLED. Because its moronic. There's no other word for it. Can't understand why the media here doesn't talk about
5. that way. Opening a state up in the middle of a giant pandemic outbreak while the pandemic is still raging is CRAZY. Continuing to leave it open and let people die by the hundreds and then being like you know what, lets open the schools now too (and no masks!)- like you
6. literally look nuts. Its is nuts. As an elected official, you sanctioning that means you are contributing in policy that is actively killing citizens. That's crazy. Seems like we should be pointing that out more. These kids can't play football bc you turned the country into
7. a raging leper colony. No one from America can enter Canada or Europe or Asia. Probably not Africa either. Hellllllooooooo.
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